Two-hour walk by the Themes

Bugun Temza  bo’ylab ikki soatlik sayr qilaturib aynan shu haqida blogpost yozish fikri tug’ildi.

Keling, yana birgalikda Siz bilan, ha Siz bilan ikkimiz Temza bo’yida sayr qilamiz ;). Yaxshi hamroh bo’lishga vada beraman :).

Today while I was walking by the Themes, I thought: why not I write a blog post about it and share it with you guys.

Let’s once again we go for a walk by the Themes, just you and me ;). I promise to be a good companion :).

Bilasizmi, maktabda ingliz tili darsida London ham haqida o’qirdik, har xil ma’lumotlar… London Temza daryosi ustida joylashgan va hokazo… Xayolimga kelmagan edi, bir kun kelib Siz bilan uni bo’yida sayr qilishligim.

Sayrni Tover ko’pirigidan (ing: Tower Bridge) boshlasak…

At school, during the English classes, we used to read about sights of London, including the river Themes. Who knew that one day you and I could walk on its banks like today…

We start the tour from the Tower Bridge…


Tover ko’prigining qurilish ishlari  1886-yilda boshlangan bo’lib, 1894-yilda yakunlangan. Ko’prik Tover nomini (ing: Tower- qal’a) London qal’asi yonida joylashganligidan olgan. Uzunligi 244 metr, balandligi esa 61 metrni tashkil etadi. Bazi sayyohlar Tover ko’prigini London ko’prigi deb atashadi. Aslida London ko’prigi (ing: London Bridge) ham mavjud bo’lib, Temzaning eng oddiy, ko’rimsiz ko’priklaridan biridir (shaxsiy fikrim).

The construction of the bridge was started in 1886 and was finished after eight years in 1894. The bridge originated its name from London Tower which is just next to it. The bridge is 244 m long and 61 m high. Some tourists call the Tower Bridge as London Bridge.  In fact, there is a bridge named London Bridge too. However, it is one of the unattractive bridges of the Themes in my opinion.

Tover ko’prigidan tushsak, qal’aning qarshisidan chiqamiz. Qarang, qal’aning bag’ri qon, hamma yog’i lolarang. Bu lolalar birinchi jahon urushi boshlanganligi yuz yilligi munosabati bilan oqqan ko’z yosh-u qonlar ramzi sifatida o’rnatilgan.

Once we approach the Tower itself, we can see the tower covered with blood. These tulips represent the blood flow during the WW I, and they were planted for the 100-year of the start of the war.


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London qal’asining qarama-qarshi tomonida Shard , G’arbiy Yevropaning eng baland binosi, qad rostlab turadi (306 metr). Shard Londonning nisbatan yangi binolaridan biri bo’lib, 2013-yilda foydalanishga topshirilgan. Binoda turli tashkilotlarni ofislari, restoranlar, Varvik Biznes Maktabi (Warwick Business School),  Shangri La mehmonxonasi joy olgan. Rostmi yoki yolg’on bilmayman, Shardning yuqori qavatlari Arab shayxining uyi ekan (ana hayot 🙂 ).

On the other bank of the river, opposite to the Tower, the Shard (306 m high), the highest building in the Western Europe, reaches the clouds. Shard is one of the newest buildings of the city and it was opened in 2013. Several offices, restaurants, Warwick Business School, Shangri La Hotel and etc. operate in it. I’m not very sure but I have heard that the top floors of the Shard belongs to an Arab Shaykh and it is his residency (that is the life, isn’t it 🙂 ).


Pastidagi kema esa ikkinchi jahon urushida  Ingliz dengiz floti tarkibida janglarda ishtirok etgan bo’lib, hozirda uning ichida muzey tashkil etilgan.

Mana yurib-yurib Sousvark (ing:Southwark Bridge) ko’prigiga ham keldik. Aytgancha orada London ko’prigidan ham o’tib ketdik, sezmay qoldingizmi? Aytgandim-ku o’zi ko’rimsiz deb.

There is a ship just and this skyscraper and it was used during the WW II by English fleet. Currently, it has a museum in it.  

After some walk, we have reached a bridge called Southwark. By the way, on the way we have passed the London Bridge. Didn’t you notice it? You see, have told that the bridge is not so attractive.



Qarang, bu otaxon daryo qirg’og’iga tushub olib, musiqa chalish bilan bandlar:).

Oh, look! This elderly man is busy with playing music on the bank of the river :).


Boshqa bir otaxon esa yog’och o’rindiqlar orasida yog’och velosipedda uchmoqdalar…

Another old man is cycling on a wooden bicycle among the wooden benches…


Muzqaymoqqa nima deysiz? Ha, daryo bo’ylab ko’chma muzqaymoq va turli fast fud do’konlari uchrab turadi. Hamyoningiz ko’tarsa, restoranlar ham mavjud.

May I offer you some ice-cream? Yes, there are plenty ice-cream or fast food shops by the Themes. If you can afford there are some fancy restaurants and cafes too.

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Sayrimiz davomida ko’cha sana’ti (ing: Street Art) namunalaridan ham bahramand bo’lishimiz mumkin. Bunga qo’shimcha skeytbordingchilarni ham tomosha qilsak bo’ladi. Ammo, yurishda davom etishimiz kerak, eng qizig’i hali oldinda :).

During our walk we can enjoy from the pieces of Street Art. In addition to this, we can watch the skateboarders too. However, we should keep walking, because the most interesting ones still waiting for us :).


Shaxsan ushbu janob o’takamni yordilar. Haykal desam jonli haykal ekanlar, ko’zlarini qisib qo’ysalar, cho’chib tushdim:).

Personally, this gentleman sacred me. I was not expecting him to move and out of sudden he winked at me :).


Ana-a keldik… Mana Big Ben, mana Parlament binosi! Bu yonda esa, London ko’zi deb nomlanuvchi atraksion (ing: London eye)!

Here we are! Here is the Big Ben, here is the Parliament Building! And the London Eye is on this side.

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Havoni avzoyini qarang, tezroq metroga, yer ostiga qochib qolmasak yaxshigina ivib olishimiz hech gap emas. Nega turibsiz? Ketdik, ketdik :).

Oh, look at the sky! We should rush and get into the underground, otherwise we might get wet. Why are you still standing? Come on, let’s go! 😉  

7 thoughts on “Two-hour walk by the Themes

  1. Рахмат коттакон, худди Лондонда юргандек булдим, биздаям ёмгир бошланди…)


  2. Э, отангизга рахмат! Интернетни у ёгини кавлаб, бу ёгини кавлаб, бирорта кўнгилга ёкадиган, ўкиб, хордик оладиган, хат–саводи бор одамлар очган сайтларни кидириб юргандим. Топдим шекилли. Маколангизнинг ёмгир ёгадиган жойи ёкди. Ёмгирни согингандим.


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